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Posted on June 28, 2013 in -


“People often ask me, “What is KarmMarg?” I rattle off the same text written on the website and brochures. But somewhere inside me, I have another answer resonating….

KarmMarg…is a journey. Not a destination, nor an institution. It’s an oasis in life’s journey through the desert, where one sits down to rest, introspect and weave dreams for the future. It’s like a tree. A tree that provides shade from harsh weather. Its fruit provides the food and the blossoms are the fragrant breeze which rejuvenates you. It is the tree that lets you use its branches to climb higher as you look for your destination in the distance. The best thing about this tree is that you meet other travellers who have come to rest too. You learn so much about life from one another. Even though you may not realize, the interaction changes you forever. And you end up making great friends for life.

Times have changed, travellers have changed, life has changed but this KarmMarg tree has spent 15 years rooted to the spot, letting others blossom and bloom under it’s shade of love and acceptance. KarmMarg, a bit bigger and much stronger…the roots have spread well.”

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Posted on June 28, 2013 in -

Veena Lal
Some words are juicier untranslated! Jugaad, the Hindi word that best illustrates our philosophy, is one such word.

It refers to innovative thinking that makes the best use of the materials in hand. To us at Karmmarg, it is a way of life. In an effort to minimize our environmental footprint, we only work with recycled raw materials such as cotton, newspapers, jute, wool, glass and more. The trick is to look at a crumpled piece of block printed cotton and transform it into a trendy, usable bag with years of life, fun and excitement in it.

In many ways, the lives of children who live in Karmmarg have been similarly transformed from simply surviving in the cruel wastelands of urban poverty, to being useful and productive members of the Karmmarg family.
That’s what Jugaad means to us…

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Posted on June 28, 2013 in -

Deborah Pepper, Treasurer, Step Children of Mother India

“I first came into contact with KarmMarg in 1998 when my husband and I were at a fair in New Delhi sourcing products for our shop in Amsterdam. Many of the stands put the products they sold in paper bags made out of old newspapers. The bags intrigued us and we asked where they came from. We were pointed to a small stand in a corner where a man and women sat with a few kids. Yes, they made the bags. No, they were not a business. They were a family, they told us. The kids were street kids and they all lived together in a house outside of Delhi. They had no government support, and earned money by collecting old newspapers (free raw materials and good to recycle, they said) and making shopping bags and other craft items. Seeing that I might be shocked (child labor) the man explained that the kids went to school and the bag-making was used as a learning experience for the kids, lessons in precision, organization, social interaction with buyers etc. as well as a way to earn money.

Spontaneously, my husband and I decided to order bags for our shop. They were an instant hit. I suspect that sometimes people bought things in our shop just to get a bag! And we had many discussions with customers about the meaning of child labor and alternatives for kids who had no family support.

On our next trip to India we visited Dev and Veena and the kids at their home in Faridabad, 30 km outside of Delhi. We were warmly welcomed. What seemed to us a cheerful chaos, turned out to be cheerful organization. The next thing we knew everyone gathered for a delicious meal which the older kids served up from the primitive kitchen.

Since then KarmMarg has grown to 60 kids and has moved to a new location where, with the help of several foundations, they have built a larger home with better sanitation and cooking facilities. The family feeling is as strong as ever. Many of the kids who have grown up and left KarmMarg come back for special holidays like Diwali and Holi or on February 7 (when KarmMarg celebrates its founding).

What is so special about KarmMarg and why do I support them? Giving kids the feeling of living in a safe and nurturing family where they learn to care for themselves and their brothers and sisters. Learning to do things with care and precision, teaching self reliance and social skills. Using creative talents and really trying to figure out what is best for each kid. KarmMarg is not an institution where each kid has to fit into a mold (There are several kids at KarmMarg who have been kicked out of institutions because they did not fit into the mold), but a family where the parents consider each child an individual and want the best for them.

This is my experience of Karm Marg.”

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Posted on June 28, 2013 in -

Sunny Narang

Why I support KarmMarg?

“I think it was 1997. Veena was working with street-kids near New Delhi Railway Station making them into a community, the older kids looking after the younger ones, cooking their own food, getting groceries donated by local businesses. We thought together what the kids could do for an income which was simple, used waste and was a fresh idea. We thought of recycled-newspaper bags with handles. The bags became a rage globally. Body Shop ordered them and the store Capsicum in Amsterdam became a major supporter. They now have a lovely rural home (not so-rural anymore as developers have reached rural Faridabad!), Karm Marg. Veena persists with great support from many friends.

It is hundreds of experiments like this which kept creativity, equity, sustainability and above all an intimate humanity alive in the strong storms of economic liberalization, where we did find more financial freedoms but also lost a whole lot of heart and soul.”

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Posted on June 28, 2013 in -

Gabriele Meyer

“KarmMarg showed me, what it could mean to be educated non-formal and what for humans this education could create. Through respect and various discussions about humanity, religion, freedom, different games and teamwork activities, values were implanted in them.

Formal Education is one thing, but to be respected and loved and seen as a worth full human being is the other thing. I was always impressed about the setting of KarmMarg, the children got responsibilities, have to cook, to do their laundry, to look after the smaller kids and worked for the project as well. They dealt with the village women, when they brought the paper bags, gave them work, had to complete the orders and where studying as well. That was a big task, but they completed all very well!”

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